Martinique is a French island of 1128 km2 with 368,783 inhabitants. Its population density is 334 inhabitants/km2, and its coast and plains are characterised by high anthropisation. The more mountainous and less accessible parts have fewer inhabitants.
Martinique has a tropical climate with two seasons: dry and rainy. In the dry season, rivers can dry up and in the wet season there can be peaks of turbidity in the water after heavy rains. This makes it difficult to obtain safe drinking water.
Martinique does not lack water, but it is poorly distributed in time and space. Water resources are mainly located in the mountainous north and drinking water is obtained from surface water resources (rivers).
Drinking water and sanitation
In terms of access to water and sanitation services in Martinique, more than 90 % of the population has access to sanitation. Wastewater from 40% of the population is treated through a collective sanitation system. This system is used in the largest communities. The wide dispersion of households and the rugged topography of the island do not make it easy to be connected to a collective sewerage system. Thus, 60% of Martinique's population uses non-collective sanitation systems (mainly septic tanks), 90% of which did not meet the standards during the last inspections.
The CARIBSAN project partner in Martinique is the Water Office (ODE) Martinique.