Dominica is a 754m2 island with a population of approximately 71,991 (2020 census). 71% of Dominicans live in urban areas, mostly on the shoreline, while the rest live in rural and inland areas. The west coast is characterised by a high population concentration and is home to the capital, Roseau, with over 16,000 inhabitants.
The topography of this tropical country is mountainous, with intense volcanic activity.
Drinking water and sanitation
In terms of access to water and sanitation services in Dominica, as in most other Caribbean countries, piped water coverage is high. However, access to sanitation services, especially through a centralised sewage system, remains low.
In Dominica, 95% of the population has access to piped water while only 15% are connected to the sewerage system. Septic tanks are the most common type of sanitation in the country, accounting for at least 53% of wastewater collection. 13% is done through latrines or other types of wastewater collection.
The CARIBSAN project partner in Dominica is DOWASCO (The Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Limited).